Sonnemann & Partner
Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts
Steuerberater, Wirtschaftsprüfer
65779 Kelkheim
Frankenallee 16
Telefon: (06195) 99 22-0
E-Mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Establishment Phase
We can assist you in selecting the corporate form that is best for your plans. We also handle the necessary applications process for establishing new companies:

  • Questionnaire from the Revenue Office (Finanzamt) on taxation of the business
  • Application for long-term deadline extension for advance reporting of value-added tax
  • Direct debit collections process
  • Participation in data transmission
  • Preparation of the initial balance sheet
  • Questionnaire for the workers' compensation board
  • Reporting concerning employees

We take care of setting up your financial accounting as well as cost accounting and efficient controlling or assist you in establishing your own accounting structures.

Preparation of the annual financial statements that are then required each year, along with tax returns, is another service we are happy to handle for you.

In addition, we take care of properly arranging and handling the monthly payroll statements for your employees.